How a Celebrant Can Make Your Wedding Truly One-Of-A-Kind and Personal

If you’re looking for a way to make your wedding truly one-of-a-kind and personal, a celebrant may be the right choice for you. These experts take a full-service approach to weddings, enabling couples to design a ceremony as unique as their relationship and beliefs. From customising the structure of your ceremony to adding meaningful rituals and helping you pen your vows, a celebrant will ensure that your ceremony is everything you want it to be.

Unlike priests or registrars who are bound by religious conventions, celebrants can offer a truly bespoke service, allowing you to incorporate a range of themes, ceremonies and concepts that you wouldn’t normally see at a conventional wedding. For example, you can choose to have a handfasting or sand ceremony or use religious or spiritual songs and readings that resonate with your faith or tradition.

Celebrants are passionate and enthusiastic about what they do and love the fact that they can help people mark some of the biggest milestones in their lives in a way that reflects them and their personalities. They go through extensive training to learn about all of the different cultures, traditions and religions that can be incorporated into a ceremony and can help make your day one that is unique and personal.

A celebrant learn about their wedding celebrant package will take the time to get to know you as a couple and understand your individualities so that they can create a completely bespoke ceremony that tells your unique love story. They’ll meet with you to discuss how you met, your shared interests, times you’ve laughed and cried and more in order to really understand who you are.

While a celebrant’s package varies, most include at least two consultations (with the option of a follow up), drafting your ceremony and assisting you in penning your vows. They’ll also assist with the legalities of your wedding by filing the necessary paperwork and ensuring that you have the correct marriage license on hand for your big day.

Celebrant packages can cost anywhere from $400 – $2500. This is dependent on many factors including how experienced the celebrant is, their location and what additional services they provide. If you’re interested in booking a celebrant for your wedding, we recommend finding one who has a similar style to yourself and that you click with. It’s important that they’re someone who will bring your vision to life and keep you excited about the process!

A good celebrant will not only guide you through your ceremony but also assist you with sourcing tried and tested suppliers, venue options and any other wedding-related enquiries. Ultimately, they’re your number one fan and supporting character throughout the entire experience.