Ways to Stop Snoring

Snoring is a harsh, rattling sound that occurs when airflow through the nose and mouth is partially blocked during sleep. It causes tissues in the throat and nasal passages to vibrate, which can make loved ones irritable and sleepy the next day. Most people snore occasionally, but for some people it is a habit that interferes with ways to stop snoring and can lead to more serious health problems. If you are a snorer, there are ways to stop the noise, including lifestyle changes, devices and medical treatments.

The most common way to reduce snoring is to lose weight, exercise and avoid alcohol and smoking. Exercising helps with weight loss and tones muscles in the body, including those that keep the throat from collapsing when breathing. Avoiding large meals close to bedtime, avoiding dairy products before sleep and lowering intake of sedative medications, can also help prevent snoring.

In addition, rinsing sinuses with saline solution before going to sleep can help clear nasal passages. Using a neti pot, nasal decongestants or nasal strips may also alleviate congestion and decrease snoring. Allergic reactions to dust mites, pet dander and other allergens can also cause snoring and are treated with allergy medication. Keeping the bedroom humid by running a humidifier can keep mucus thin, which can lessen snoring.

Changing sleeping positions can also reduce snoring. Specifically, sleeping on your side instead of on your back improves breathing because the air is less turbulent. Positioning “bumper” devices–air or foam-filled belts, vests and shirts that are worn while you sleep on your back–and electronic necklaces that vibrate gently while you are sleeping on your back can also help. Elevating the head of the bed with additional pillows can open up the airways and reduce snoring. There are special snore pillows available, but an ordinary pillow can work just as well.

Getting more restful sleep can be a challenge for both the snorer and those who share the same room, but making simple lifestyle modifications and trying some natural remedies can be a great place to start. Even if it does not completely eliminate snoring, it can provide a better night’s sleep for everyone in the house and help prevent the resentment that often accompanies snoring. If your snoring persists, talk to your doctor or an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist about treatment options. The best approach is to find the right combination of lifestyle changes, devices and/or medical treatments for your snoring problem. Various surgical procedures are also available if other approaches don’t work for you.